The adventure begins here

The advancment of Christ’s Kingdom among boys and the promotion of habits of Obedience, Reverence, Discipline, Self-respect and all that tends towards a true Christian Manliness


We are now focussed on how we prepare for returning to face-to-face activities. Of course, we must all accept that this doesn’t mean we will be able to go back to doing things how we did them before. Our new way of operating will look quite different.


To assist leaders, we have developed a Framework in line with guidance issued by the Government and Youth Sector which sets out the steps that need to be taken to prepare for welcoming young people back to face-to-face activities when it is safe to do so.

We encourage leaders to take time to read the framework and guidance, and to consider as a staff team, in conjunction with your local Church, how best to approach a return to face-to-face activities.

Subject to being ‘Covid-ready’ as part of BB Framework including local approval, face-to-face activities can take place indoors and outdoors, including trips/visits and residentials.

With immediate effect Youth Services (including The Boys’ Brigade) will operate under the Department of Education’s guidance for Schools and Education Settings in Northern Ireland. The full guidance can be found at

The key requirements are as follows:

– Youth Services are able to host both outdoor and indoor gatherings on the same basis as the Executive’s current guidance for non-domestic outdoor and indoor gatherings in other sectors.
– Youth settings should seek to safely maximise their use of the outdoor environment as public health advice is that outdoor environments can limit transmission.
– It is also important that indoor spaces are well ventilated at all times, by leaving doors and windows open.
– Youth settings should continue to endeavour to implement as much social distancing as is practical where physical capacity and curriculum delivery permit. Public health guidance of 2 metres social distancing remains in place between adults and children & young people.
– While face coverings are recommended in some circumstances, if any child or young person is unable or unwilling to wear a face covering, they should not be denied access to the full range of opportunities.
– Primary school children are recommended not to use face coverings.
– It is strongly recommended that post-primary children & young people wear a face covering at all times when inside youth buildings, including group work rooms, corridors and confined communal spaces such as toilet areas.
– The opening of doors and windows should be encouraged to increase natural ventilation and also to reduce contact with door handles.
– A youth setting should not be below 16oC. In cooler weather windows should be opened just enough to provide constant background ventilation.
– Residential visits and overnight stays are able to happen. The guidance document for youth settings can be found at under the Residential & Overnight Stays heading.

Companies should complete a Covid-Ready Risk Assessment and Action Log as part of our efforts to reduce and manage the risk associated with the virus. Companies that haven’t previously returned to face-to-face activities should complete the local approval process in conjunction with their Church. Our framework guidance can be found at